Looking for a book at my mother's house, I came across the Girl Guide Handbook from 1968. I immediately turned to page 124. Here was the half page diagram that had such an impact when I was 13. It gave me my first spindle, made by my father from an old wooden stacking toy, and from the diagram I learned to spindle spin. I wasn't allowed to have an Angora rabbit, so my Shetland Sheepdog, Logan, provided my first wool! There were, of course, some things missing from the diagram. I had to work out how to wind the wool on the spindle, and also discover how to ply. No internet then. Some 50 years later, I am still spindle spinning. Looking at that diagram, all I had to learn from, it can't be that difficult. At craft festivals and rabbit shows I can teach an interested nine year old how to spindle spin in less than 10 minutes. Adults take a little longer. Give it a try!